The Muse
The Mudgee Historical Society produces a quarterly bulletin, The Muse, which features historical articles pertaining to the Mudgee district, and news items involving the Society and the Mudgee Museum.
The Muse is emailed/posted to members. It is still available in printed form, however, to save on printing costs, members are encouraged to, if possible, request the electronic version in place of the printed one. Please contact the Museum at via the form below if you would like to receive your newsletter via email.
The first Muse was published in 1970. An index of all the past issues and topics is here. Back copies of the issues listed can be supplied for a small fee to cover costs. Please use the contact form below. The Mudgee Library holds copies of issues Nos. 144-199.
Published here are some sample past Muses
Articles and suggestion for articles from members for inclusion in The Muse are welcome. Please contact the editor via the contact form below.