Office Bearers for 2024-2025
President: John Broadley
Vice President: Lorraine Stewart
Treasurer: Thelma Meers
Secretary and Public Officer: Sue England
Committee Members (includes 4 executive and 5 other members):
Lynda Lovegrove
Tereza Wright
Peter Johnson
Greta Piper
Elick Baynham
Volunteer Roles
Inside Curator: Elick Baynham
Outside Curator: Bob Gray
Assistant Treasurer: Tereza Wright
“Muse” Editor: Peter Johnson
Grants Application Officer: Lynda Lovegrove
Archives Co-ordinator & Map Curator: Greta Piper
Photographic Curator: Sandra Sheridan
Firearms Curator: Andrew Prowse
Publicity Officer: Simone Sheridan
Researchers: Sandra Sheridan, Lyn Robinson, John Broadley