Museum Store
To order any of the books we have, listed below, please complete our order form at the bottom of the page.

Apple Tree Flat. A Gateway to Mudgee by Bob Pauling
A history of the Apple Tree Flat locality, south-east of Mudgee

Lawson Country by Kevin Pye
Poetry by Local author Kevin Pye

All Aboard by Kevin Pye
A collection of poems and tributes

The Baker Family at Linburn by Joyce Purtell
A brief history of the Baker family from before arrival in Australia to the present day

Mudgee CWA Branch Celebrating 100 Years by Sonja Lunn
Mudgee CWA Branch celebrating 100 years from 1922 – 2022

Cooyal Stories by Muriel M. Marks
Short stories on the Cooyal district and people

Rose to Wattle by Susan Jackson and Ann Rice
Letters and history of the Rayner family

Some of My Best Friends Are Winemakers by Gilbert Wahlquist
A colourful romp through the vineyards – The sort of history you wish they’d taught you at school – hilarious, enlightening and full of mischief.

Sunset of Gold – Sofala and Wattle Flat, 1860-1914 by Brian Hodge
Book 3 of “The Goldfields Story”, continues the stories of the adjoining gold towns of Sofala and Wattle Flat until all hope for future, profitable mining had faded.

Ghosts Of Burrendong by Dale Edwards
A history told by a storyteller, turns this into an enlightening and amusing read. A collection of facts and fiction about Burrendong Dam and the area it covers.

Hill End Hearsay by Malcolm Drinkwater
Full of historical facts, photos and memories of many of the local characters from the area.

Exploring Hill End: Hawkins Hill by NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service
Information and photographs of Hill End. This booklet follows the pathway which once linked together the claims along Hawkin’s Hill’s main line of reefs.

Against the Skyline: A survivor account of the Australian Hospital Ship Centaur by Leanne Wicks
A gripping account of the sinking of the Australian Hospital Ship Centaur on May 14th, 1943, as told by the author’s Grand-uncle, Frederick Chidgey. The book also includes poetry written about the sinking.

Far and Faint by Peter Johnson
A history of the 1870s gold rush to the Gulgong gold fields, beautifully illustrated with photographs from the Holtermann Collection.

Golden Diggers by Helen Wood and Lorraine Purcell
The Hill End and Tambaroora district’s contribution to the First World War. Includes photos and biographies of local diggers.

Golden Hill End by Brian Hodge
A history of the Hill End Goldfields told through the voices of local residents and key figures in local history.

Historic Houses of Mudgee by John Broadley
Histories of several of Mudgee’s most important homes, with detailed descriptions of each property. Beautifully photographed and illustrated.

Hobble Chains and Greenhide by Dud Mills
A semi-autobiographical story of life in the West Kimberlies, WA.

Holtermann’s Nugget by Gunter Shaule
A novel based on the life of Bernhardt Holtermann, famous local miner, photographer and politician.

Major Controversies of the Australian Goldrush by Brian Hodge
Tales of key figures in the Australian Gold rush.

Memories of Mudgee: A Photographic Glimpse of Bygone Days
The Mudgee Historical Society Book Committee: Barry and Fay Wells, Lorraine Stewart, Lynne Robinson, Pauline Bassingthwaighte and Thelma Meers
A wonderful compendium of 205 pages worth of photographs of Mudgee from the Museum’s collection, with brief historical notes introducing each group of photos and placing them in context. A must for anyone with an interest in Mudgee’s history!

Mudgee: A Nest in the Hills by Mudgee Historical Society
A brief history of Mudgee, including key buildings, industries and personalities from our past. A great introduction to Mudgee for anyone new to the area.

One for the Road by Kevin Pye
A collection of verse inspired by Mudgee’s history and local characters.

Telling Tales by Kevin Pye
More verse

The Sepia Soldier by Kevin Pye
Poetry paying tribute to Australia’s soldiers from WWI to Vietnam.

Strive with Honour by Christopher Grossett et al.
The story of the Hill End Public School from 1870 – 2020. Written and compiled by Christopher Grosset, Karen Bates, Lorraine Purcell, Gaye Shanahan and Helen Wood

The Stockwhip and the Spur by Dud Mills
Poetry by Central West resident Dud Mills inspired by his experience in the bush as a stockman.

They Made Their Own Way by Doug Swords & Pauline Bassingthwaighte
Recollections of older Mudgee residents about their lives in the Mudgee district

They Paved the Way by Keith Mackenzie
This book tells the story of Ann Grant and John McKenzie who immigrated to Australia from the Scottish highlands in the 1830s.

Time is a Traveller by Kevin Pye
A humorous and nostalgic look, in verse, at varied aspects of Mudgee’s history and its colourful characters by a Society member

Travelling Down The Cudgegong by Gulgong Writing Group
Histories of towns along the Cudgegong River, with a particular emphasis on Mudgee and Gulgong. Illustrated with over 200 historic photos.

Through My Eyes by Barry Hawkins
A history of Grattai, the Hawkins family (and other significant local families), and the author’s personal experiences living in the area.

Mudgee Methodism. Not lost but Gone Before. By Paul Chivers
A history of Mudgee Methodist Church

The Miners Friend. Ludwig Hugo (Louis) Beyers 1840 – 1910. By Lorraine Purcell
A brief account of his life

The Town of Mudgee and the Hoddle Myth. By C A Murphy
Who really did design the town grid?

Who the Hell is Ralphy? By Ralph Cover
A book of true anecdotes and short stories reflecting Ralphs life as a country boy

Yelping on the Farm. By Gwendolyn Baker
A collection of her poetry

Sites of Wondrous Treasure. By NSW National Parks and Wildlife
The story of Hill End