

Advantages of Membership:

  • Free entry to the Museum
  • Free copy of the Society’s quarterly newsletter, “The Muse”
  • If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, you can join other members at the Museum carrying out a wide variety of tasks including:

– Staffing the Museum and assisting visitors 

– Maintaining the Museum buildings, grounds and collection by gardening, mowing, cleaning, doing repairs, restoring vehicles and machinery 

 – Conserving and curating the Historical Society’s collection

 – Being involved in historical research, digitisation projects and administration (both     on site and remotely)

The Museum holds a working bee and morning tea for volunteers each Tuesday morning; some volunteers also work on projects on other days of the week while others work from home.  

  • Participating in community events such as the Museum’s Fair, the Mudgee Small Farm Field days, occasional book launches and the annual Christmas party 
  • Access to the museum’s archives. If you are a family history researcher or are interested in the fascinating history of Mudgee town and district, there is a wealth of resources for you to study

Membership Fees – Due 1st July each year:

  • Adults … $20.00
  • Children … $2.00
  • Family … $30.00

A membership form can be filled in at the office or sent online using the contact form below.

The information in the form is used only for the records of the Mudgee Historical Society Inc.


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