‘Mudgee’ an animated installation by Wiradjuri artist Josh Yasserie
An animated installation by Wiradjuri artist Josh Yasserie opened at the Mudgee Museum on Saturday 26 November. Titled Mudgee, the work resulted from a residency undertaken by Josh at the Mudgee Museum where he met and spoke with community members, volunteers and...
Generous donation from Sue-Ellen Lovett
The Museum is delighted to have received a very generous donation of a large collection of personal memorabilia from Sue-Ellen Lovett, recording a lifetime of equestrian sporting excellence and achievement including the Sydney 2000 Paralympics. Sue-Ellen Lovett is an...
Archives Digitisation
We are thrilled to have been successful in a grant from AMaGA that has allowed us to purchase a new computer, monitor and other associated hardware. The grant has also allowed us professional support from an IT consultant who works for not-for-profit organisations....