Generous donation from Sue-Ellen Lovett

Generous donation from Sue-Ellen Lovett

The Museum is delighted to have received a very generous donation of a large collection of personal memorabilia from Sue-Ellen Lovett, recording a lifetime of equestrian sporting excellence and achievement including the Sydney 2000 Paralympics. Sue-Ellen Lovett is an...
Hotel Mudgee Study by John Broadley

Hotel Mudgee Study by John Broadley

As an historian with a keen interest in Mudgee’s buildings, especially ones that have vanished from our streetscapes, I have been fascinated by people’s accounts of the Hotel Mudgee and their lingering nostalgia for what was a Mudgee icon. Atrocious that it was ever...


The Mudgee Museum will be closed until the lockdown in the Greater Sydney Area is lifted for the safety and well-being of our volunteers.  Book sales and Family History Research will still be available – please complete the Book Order Form here or email us with the...
Diana Mudgee Display at Mudgee Library

Diana Mudgee Display at Mudgee Library

Mudgee Historical Society have a display case at the Mudgee Library which is  normally changed a few times a year. The current display features a Wiradjuri woman, Emanjilli,  more commonly  known as  “Diana Mudgee”.  The display’s main focus is  on conditional...
AGM Postponed

Local Sponsors Support Museum

Mudgee Historical Society would like to thank Yancoal/Moolarben and Ausmetals for their recent donation of $830. These funds will be very helpful in helping us maintain the Museum facilities and advancing some of our projects.
NSW Discover Vouchers

NSW Discover Vouchers

We are happy to announce that we are accepting NSW Discover vouchers at Mudgee Museum. You will be interested to learn that can use the voucher towards our Mudgee Historical Society Membership, museum entry and items in our store (including books and merchandise)....
Holiday Closure

Holiday Closure

The Mudgee Museum will be closed from Wednesday 23 December to 1 January 2021. We wish our volunteers, members and visitors all the best for the holiday season.  We will be open on Saturday 2 January...